Viewing articles tagged 'Domain'
Criteria for registering a domain name
Who can register a domain?The SLD is a closed one and reserver ONLY for tertiary...
Criteria for registering a domain nameWho can register a domain?Allotment of is restricted to the constituents o...
Criteria for registering a domain nameWho can register a domain? is a closed domain. Registrants in the SLD are...
How to Register a domain nameHOW DO I REGISTER MY DOMAIN To register a new domain, simply follow the following steps....
RGP Status (Redemption Period)1. What is RGP? RGP stands for Redemption Grace Period. The Redemption Grace Period is a thirty...
What is WHOIS?What is WHOIS?WHOIS is the name of a searchable database maintained by the registrar, which...